Saturday, 24 May 2014

Nasi Minyak - Nasi Minyak | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Nasi Minyak - <b>Nasi Minyak</b> | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

<b>Nasi Minyak</b> | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Posted: 30 Sep 2008 12:00 AM PDT

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Thursday, 15 May 2014

Nasi Minyak - Moh's Saffron Nasi Minyak | Kummerspeck

Nasi Minyak - Moh&#39;s Saffron <b>Nasi Minyak</b> | Kummerspeck

Moh&#39;s Saffron <b>Nasi Minyak</b> | Kummerspeck

Posted: 15 May 2014 03:42 AM PDT

I had this rice with rendang from Moh's stall at the Katanning Harmony Festival.


It was so good, rice could never be the same for me again.  I wanted to make it myself.  I demanded that Moh share his prized Secret Family Recipe.  I pestered him relentlessly.  Finally I extracted it from him under torture. I whistled the Chicken Song over and over again  until Moh told me exactly how to make this delicious dish.  Then I sang Achy Breaky Heart until he gave his consent for me to publish it on my blog.

So here, with permission, is Moh's secret recipe.

Saffron Nasi Minyak

  • 1 medium onion
  • Garlic
  • Star anise
  • A few cloves
  • two tablespoons butter
  • 4 cups rice – long grain/Basmati
  • A good pinch of Saffron threads
  • Salt
  1. Blend the onion and garlic to a paste  (I had to add a little water)
  2. Crack the star anise and fry it for a minute in the butter
  3. Add the onion, garlic and cloves and sauté for a few minutes
  4. Put the mixture in the rice cooker with the rice
  5. Add the requisite amount of salt and water and turn on the cooker
  6. When the rice is nearly cooked (water almost gone) poke holes in the rice with a chopstick or similar tool,  and insert a little saffron in each hole
  7. Cover and leave to finish cooking
  8. Stir and serve.

When I first made this, I had a guest round for dinner.  It came out beautifully, but I forgot to take a photograph.  So I had to make it again this evening for the blog.  And because I really like it.  On my second try I could not help tweaking it a bit as I always seem to do.   I substituted a few shallots for the onion and added a few cardamom pods to the spices.  I think it is as good as Moh's original, perhaps even better.  Andrew came in while I was processing the photo to upload.  Before I knew it, he had eaten half of the rice.  He then took half of what remained home with him.  No greater compliment than that.


Serve with rendang  or a nice stir fry or maybe with green curry.

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Saturday, 10 May 2014

Nasi Minyak - Nasi Minyak | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Nasi Minyak - <b>Nasi Minyak</b> | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

<b>Nasi Minyak</b> | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Posted: 30 Sep 2008 12:00 AM PDT

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Monday, 5 May 2014

Nasi Minyak - Ghee Rice (Nasi Minyak) - The Cooking Jar

Nasi Minyak - Ghee Rice (<b>Nasi Minyak</b>) - The Cooking Jar

Ghee Rice (<b>Nasi Minyak</b>) - The Cooking Jar

Posted: 03 Jun 2013 02:47 PM PDT

Ghee Rice

Here's a simple but fragrant rice which goes great with rich, flavorful dishes while still boasting a presence of its own. Shallots, ginger and garlic are sauteed in ghee along with cinnamon, cloves and green cardamom to release a wonderful aroma that will uplift your kitchen. Raisins and cashew nuts provide a juicy and crunchy texture. You will love it! This is a family recipe and another one of those dishes that make me think of home.

Ghee Rice

I usually cook this in a rice cooker. I've never understood why people painstakingly cook rice over the stove. I've done it with risotto and it was torture.  You don't have to baby sit it, your arm won't fall off with the constant stirring and the bottom doesn't burn in the rice cooker. If you are serious about delving into Asian cuisine, do yourself a favor and go buy one of these. You can thank me later. This wikihow article explains the basics of how to cook rice with one, so you're good to go.

I grew up using the finger method of measuring the rice to water ratio after my mom taught me somewhere around the age of 10. Since then, it's become second nature to me and I have never had to think about actual measurements until now. Shake a rice pot filled with rice and water gently from side to side to even and level out the rice. Stick a finger vertically into the pot and measure the height of rice from the bottom of the pot to the top of the rice. Mark it with your thumb. Now move your finger (with the thumb still marking the spot) and rest it on top of the leveled rice and measure the height from the top of the rice to the top of the water. The water level should be equal to or 1/2 inch more to the measurements from the bottom of the pot to the top of the rice. Easy right? Who needs a measuring cup?

Ghee rice goes well with Cucumber Pickled Salad (Acar Timun) and Minangkabau Beef. The tender, spiced beef with coconut undertones meld with the fresh cucumber and sweet pineapple juices from the salad on a base of fragrant rice. What's not to love? The combined aroma of these three in the kitchen always brings back the nostalgia of home. What food scents remind you of home?

Ghee Rice (Nasi Minyak)


Serves: 2


  • 1½ cups of long grain rice
  • 3 tablespoons raisins
  • 4 tablespoons cashew nuts
  • 1 shallot, sliced
  • 1 teaspoon garlic, minced
  • ½ teaspoon ginger, minced
  • 1 tablespoon ghee
  • ½ cinnamon stick
  • 2 green cardamoms
  • 2 cloves
  • 2½ cups of cold water
  • Salt to taste


  1. Wash the rice and drain. Repeat two or three times until the water comes out clear
  2. Over medium high heat, saute shallots, ginger and garlic in ghee until fragrant
  3. Add cinnamon stick, cardamoms and cloves
  4. Continue to saute until the spices become aromatic
  5. Transfer everything to a rice cooker
  6. Add rice, cold water and cashew nuts, stirring evenly to mix
  7. Cover and cook normally
  8. Once the rice is cooked, let it sit uncovered for 15 minutes to settle
  9. Stir in raisins, mixing thoroughly
  10. Dish and serve hot


Sunday, 4 May 2014

Nasi Minyak - Nasi Minyak | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Nasi Minyak - <b>Nasi Minyak</b> | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

<b>Nasi Minyak</b> | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Posted: 30 Sep 2008 12:00 AM PDT

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Saturday, 3 May 2014

Nasi Minyak - Curlybabe's Satisfaction: Nasi Minyak II, Daging Haryali & Pajeri ...

Nasi Minyak - Curlybabe&#39;s Satisfaction: <b>Nasi Minyak</b> II, Daging Haryali & Pajeri <b>...</b>

Curlybabe&#39;s Satisfaction: <b>Nasi Minyak</b> II, Daging Haryali & Pajeri <b>...</b>

Posted: 27 Apr 2014 07:33 PM PDT

Nasi berperisa lagi..agak2 kalau dah lama tak masak nasi berperisa, the following week mesti tekak ni menjerit2 nak makan nasi bewarna ni..dulu kita pernah kata Mr Hubby tak minat nasi berperisa macam ni..tapi sekarang uh..dia makan tau..hehehe..kalau dulu kita cakap kita masak nasi minyak ke nasi beriani ke, mesti dia cebikkan bibir dia..tahan dia suruh kita masak 'maggi'..ah sekarang bukan main makan lagi weh!!!..hehe...Tulah dia pukulan kita selalu masak nasi macam ni sebab anak2 suka sangat nasi the father got no choice dah terikut suka juga..hehe...
ke kita masak sedap ah?..wakakaka...perasan kejap...:)

Kali ni kita cuba pulak masak nasi minyak recipe lain pula..recipe dari Tulip77 kat myresepi tu..Sedapppp..kita lawankan dengan daging haryali dan pajeri nenas.
Daging Haryali resepi asal guna daging kambing..disebabkan kita tak makan kambing..kita tukarkan kedaging lembu..pajeri nenas pula kita buat style macam pajeri nenas orang kahwin kat Singapore ni..tak gunakan rempah tapi just plain natural taste..

Nasi Minyak
Tried & Tested:- Ayu@curlybabesatisfaction
Bahan:-(6 orang)

  • 1/4 cawan minyak sapi
  • 2 biji bwg putih,dicincang
  • 2 biji bwg besar,dihiris
  • 4 kuntum bunga cengkih
  • 2 inci kulit kayu manis
  • 6 biji buah pelaga
  • 6 biji lada putih,ditumbuk
  • 2 cawan beras
  • 2 cawan air
  • 1 cawan susu cair/fresh milk
  • 2-3 titik pewarna kuning
  • 1/2 cawan kismis
  • 3 helai daun pandan
  • untuk menghidang, bawang goreng dan buah badam 


  1. Pijarkan minyak sapi dalam periuk.Goreng bwg besar dan bwg putih hingga kekuningan.
  2. Masukkan kulit kayu manis,bunga cengkih,buah pelaga dan lada putih.Goreng selama 5minit.
  3. Masukkan beras,air,susu cair,daun pandan yg disimpulkan serta pewarna kuning.Kacau supaya semua bahan serata.Tutup periuk dan tunggu hingga air kering.
  4. Masukkan kismis dan kacau rata.Setelah itu tanak nasi hingga betul2 masak.Ketika menghidang boleh letakkan bawang goreng serta buah badam.

Daging Haryali
Sources:-Mumtaj Begum Bte Omar
Tried & Tested:- Ayu@curlybabesatisfaction
1kg daging kambing, cuci bersih dan potong ikut suka hati, tos-(Ayu guna daging lembu)
2.5cm kayu manis
5 biji buah pelaga dititik
4 biji bawang besar dihiris halus
5 batang lada hijau, belah dua jangan putus(boleh lebihkan jika perlu)
1 sudu makan pes halia dan pes bawang putih
1 biji tomato didadu
2 sudu makan serbuk ketumbar
1 sudu makan serbuk lada putih
1 sudu teh serbuk kunyit
2 sudu makan serbuk cili -(Ayu tambah)
1 sudu makan tomato puree-(Ayu tambah)
1/2 cawan daun ketumbar
2 cawan air + 11/4 cawan lagi
1/4 biji kentang(untuk memekatkan kuahnya)-(Ayu gunakan 2 biji hiris tebal)
1/4 cawan badam
1/2 cawan tairu
3 sudu makan santan pekat
garam secukup rasa
minyak untuk menumis

Kisar halus badam, tairu, santan pekat dan 1/4 cawan air. Ketepikan_(Ayu guna blender kering)
Panaskan minyak didalam periuk dan tumis kayu manis dan buah pelaga sehingga meletup-letup.
Masukkan hirisan bawang dan lada hijau dan tumis sehingga bawangnya lembut. Masukkan pula pes halia dan pes bawang putih dan tumis lagi sampai naik bau. Setelah itu masukkan tomato dadu dan kacau rata. Biarkan ia masak selama 5 minit lagi. Barulah dimasukkan bahan2 serbuk dan daun ketumbar. Tuang 1 cawan air, kacau rata dan tutup periuk.

Kecilkan api dan renihkan selama 5 minit, sehingga rempah berpisah dari minyak. Kemudian masukkan daging kambing, kacau rata selama 2 minit. Tuang lagi 21/4 cawan air, masukkan kentang dan garam. Masak lagi sampai daging lembut dan naik minyak. Diperingkat ini hendaklah dikacau selalu. Kemudian matikan api. Taburkan lebihan daun ketumbar, tetapi jangan dikacau lagi. Semasa hendak menghidang barulah dikacau.

Hidangan ini lebih lazat jika disaji sekurang2nya satu jam selepas dimasak. anda boleh juga masukkan kentang sebiji dua jika suka. Masukkan semasa dagingnya sudah masak 3/4 empuk. Paling enak disajikan dengan roti perancis, roti perata atau nasi minyak.

Pajeri Nenas
Tried & Tested:- Ayu@curlybabesatisfaction
1 biji nenas dipotong dan buang tempuluhnya
1 batang kayu manis
1 bunga lawang
4 cengkih
3  biji pelaga
5 biji cili padi merah/hijau
1 biji cili merah dibelah dua
1 biji cili hijau dibelah dua
2cm halia dihiris
2 biji bawang besar dihiris
2 biji bawang putih dihiris
1 sudu besar kunyit serbuk
1 sudu kecil biji sawi
1/4 cawan air
2 sudu besar cuka
1 sudu besar gula
garam & serbuk perasa

Tumis kayu manis, bunga lawang, cengkih & pelaga hingga naik bau. Masukkan bawang besar & bawang putih hiris, biji sawi serta serbuk kunyit. Kacau hingga layu. Masukkan gula, cuka, garam & perasa dan air.Masukkan nenas yang telah dipotong/hiris tadi serta cili. Gaul rata sehingga nenas masak & lembut.